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Transparent Floor Insulation “Non Film Formation”
It penetrates the floor or joints without forming a film on the surface it is applied on and insulates by providing full protection. It is transparent and not damage to the image of the surface. It breathings, non-flammable and not affected by UV, sunlight. It is applied in indoor and outdoor areas in a short time. The workmanship is easy, economical and long-lasting. It can be applied to all kinds of coated, absorbent and waterproofing problem surfaces.
Depth of penetration (H): < 10 mm, CLASS I
122-ОР-06-2020 The decision that the products are not subject to the requirements of the “Technical Regulation on Fire Safety Requirements”Certificate of State Registration of Products (SGR)
It is applied to all kinds of absorbent surfaces such as plaster, concrete, aerated concrete, screed. It is not applicable only on non-absorbent surfaces such as marble, granite, tiles, ceramics, glass, metal, plastic, and vertical absorbent surfaces.
Surface preparation: Firstly, if there are cracks and swollen parts on the surface, they must be repaired and the surface must be cleaned from impurities like dirt, oil, rust. If the joint fillings abraded, they are renewed, the coatings that have bulged or displaced are repaired. If the mastic and silicon applications were peeled off or removed, they must be repaired, and the surface is become fully prepared for the insulating application. If the floor has been washed, it must be let to dry thoroughly and the application should be made after the floor is completely dried.
Application Method: The plastic can of ISONEM BD is shaken thoroughly before usage. Then, the product is poured into a plastic bucket and is thoroughly applied on the surface via a brush. ISONEM BD leaves stains glazed surfaces like ceramic, marble when it dries, because of not absorbed. So it is not suggested on these surfaces and especially it should be applied to joints carefully. The surface where the product has been applied is to let dry for 1 hour. After waiting for one hour, the remains of the product that have not been absorbed are wiped out with a wet piece of cloth. The cleansing operation must be done with a wet piece of cloth and it must be avoided the use of materials such as detergents. The second layer application is done in a maximum of 1 hour before the first layer dry, “wet on wet”, repeating the same processes. After an hour, surfaces of ceramics and marbles are wiped with a wet piece of cloth and the second/last layer application is finished.
Consumption: 200 mL/m²(two layers application)
Paintable (Coverage) Area: Min. 25 m²/5 L PE can
Packaging: 5 L PE can
Shelf life: 24 months from date of production if stored in original, unopened, undamaged packages.
Storage Conditions: 5 – 35 °C – Store tightly closed in a dry and cool place