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Soil Stabilizer And Dust Control Agent

It is an ecological solution used for stabilizing, solidification, hardening or anti-dusting all kinds of soils and aggregates. Immediately after application to soil or aggregate, ISONEM SS copolymer molecules form long nanoparticles by forming straight and cross-linking with aggregate or soil. When the water content added during the application evaporates from the soil and aggregate, it forms a long-lasting and water-resistant flexible solid material matrix. After curing, it becomes completely transparent and makes the natural cover look untouched. It is water-based, one component.


Density (25°C, g/mL) : 1,00 ± 0,10
pH (25°C) : 7.0 – 10.0
Viscosity (25°C, mPa.s) : 4000 – 9000
Solid content (% Weight) : 50 ± 2
Solvent : Water
Color : Milk white, after curing transparent.
Documents of the ProductDOCUMENTS OF THE PRODUCT

· Dirt roads without coating

· Land improvement

· Construction site areas and roads, construction site parking areas

· Heavy vehicle roads

· Road foundation and sub-foundations, highway banquets

· Warehouse and stock piles

· Power plants, slopes, and banquets

· Helicopter test tracks, forest roads

· Airport aprons, agricultural access roads

· Mine deposits and sites, border patrol roads

· Golf courses and walking paths, park and recreation areas

· Storage areas

ISONEM SS Soil Hardener is a concentrated ready to use solution. Application area should be completely dry and free from water. The area must be free from rain for a minimum of 72 hours after the application. Temperature must be at least 4°C.

Ripper the soil: Cause the application to the desired depth (usually 150 to 200 mm) with the help of a digger dug. At this stage, grader, rototiller or disc harrow is used for coarse materials crumble.

Moistening the soil with Isonem SS Soil Hardener:  Isonem SS Soil Hardener is mixed with pre-tested water that is determined according to the type of soil, in the tank and it is brought into solution. The mixture was then sprayed on the soil surface to show an equal amount of distribution. Spraying is continued until the ground is sufficiently moist.

Mixing the soil: The moistened soil by applying the solution is mixed thoroughly by taking into account the desired depth.

Soil compaction: SS Soil Hardener applied soil is compacted via a cylinder. After the compaction process is completed, the application surface can be opened to traffic after 7 days. Heavy loads must not be carried on the area before this period is completed. The time may be longer or shorter depending on weather conditions.

COLOR: Milk white, after curing transparent and can be colored if desired.

PACKAGING: 5 L, 10 L and 20 L PE Plastic can

CONSUMPTION: The consumption will vary depending on the area of use and the type of soil. The amount of product use should be determined by pre-tests before application

For heavy vehicle traffic on dirt roads 1 L ISONEM SS + 4 L water

For pedestrian traffic:  1 L ISONEM SS + 6 L water

For use against dust only  1 L ISONEM SS + 8 L water

In areas with very heavy cargo traffic and construction sites such as airports : 1 L ISONEM SS + 1 L water

SHELF LIFE: 24 months from date of production if stored in original, unopened, undamaged packages.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store tightly closed in a dry and cool place.

PM 10 & PM2.5 Compatible (stops hazardous dust particles of size 2.5 microns and above). It does not contain volatile material and non-flammable. Ecological and environmentally sensitive.