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BD Spray
ISONEM BD Spray product can be used in the insulation of problematic small areas. Shake the product before application. ISONEM BD Spray is sprayed on the surface from 20 – 30 cm away in 2 layers. Before the first layer dry, the second layer should be applied to a wet first layer.
Protect the package from direct sunlight and avoid storing it in high temperatures above 50°C.

Surface preparation: Surfaces must be clean and dry before application. Oil, dirt, sludge, such as materials should be cleaned, shield particles should be cleaned. The appropriate primer selection depending on the surface is made according to the following table. ISONEM UNIVERSAL PRIMER (1: 7 diluted with water – 1 part primer, 7 part water) insulation and paint primer should be applied one layer with 100 – 200 g/m² consumption. The primer is then allowed to dry for 4 hours. In steel/metal surfaces, the surfaced should be primed with ISONEM Anti Rust Primer (Anticorrosive primer), consumption of 0,250 – 0,350 kg/m².
Application method: : It can be made by brush, roller or a suitable sprayer. It should be mixed until homogenous before use. After the application of primer, it is applied to the surface in two coats 4 hours apart without diluted and the painting process is nished. In exterior applications and in indoor applications that are exposed to water, and high humidity, ISONEM ANTI FIRE PAINT is applied as a topcoat with a brush, roller or a suitable sprayer with consumption of 0.3-0.5 kg/m². In steel/metal surfaces, the surfaced should be primed with ISONEM Anti Rust Primer (Anticorrosive primer), consumption of 0,250 – 0,350 kg/m².