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Metallic Wall Paint

Decorative Metallic Effect Interior & Exterior Wall Paint

ISONEM METALLIC WALL PAINT, It is acrylic resin and water-based, odorless, and sparkling decorative paint which creates a metallic appearance on the surfaces. It is an interior and exterior wall paint that is environmentally friendly, in a flexible structure, applied for decorative purposes and is created a metallic effect depends on the reflection of the light with different apparatus. The product can also be used as a textured or smooth topcoat in water-based systems. The product is especially preferred as a decorative topcoat for creating special effects. Different metallic effects can be obtained depending on the angle, type and density of the reflected light on the surfaces painted with ISONEM Metallic Wall Paint. It is water-based, acrylic emulsion-based, single component.


Density (25°C, g/mL) : 1,00 ± 0,10
pH (25°C) : 7.0 – 9.0
Viscosity (25°C, mPa.s) : 13000 – 15000
Solid content (% Weight) : 46 ± 2
Water transmission rate (kg/ m2. h0,5) : < 0,1 CLASS W3
Adhesion strength by pull-off test (N/mm2) : Crack bridging flexible systems without trafficking ≥ 0.8
Permeability to water vapour (m) : 5 ≤  SD ≤ 50 CLASS II
Solvent : Water
Documents of the ProductDOCUMENTS OF THE PRODUCT

Surface preparation: Before application, the surface must be dry, clean, smooth, stable and free of dust. The surface and ambient temperature must be between +5°C and +30°C during the application. Holes and cracks must be fi­lled with ISONEM A4 Elastic Filler. The appropriate primer selection for the surface is made according to the following table. ISONEM UNIVERSAL PRIMER (1: 7 diluted with water – 1 part primer, 7 part water) insulation and paint primer should be applied one layer with 100 – 200 g/m² consumption.

Application method: Ready to use. It does not require thinning. The application of ISONEM Metallic Wall Paint is made after 4 – 24 hours from primer application. It can be easily applied by using a brush, roller or a suitable spraying method.

PACKING: 5 kg PP buckets

CONSUMPTION: 0,200 – 0,400 kg/m² (2 layers)

PAINTABLE (COVERAGE) AREA: 12,5 – 25 m²/bucket

COLOR: It is produced in all colors in the Isonem Metallic Wall COLOR CHART.

SHELF LIFE: 24 months from date of production if stored in original, unopened, undamaged packages.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store tightly closed in a dry and cool place.